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SC Collegium reiterates proposal for elevation of Justices Aniruddha Bose and A.S. Bopanna as Judges of Supreme Court

Reconsideration of the recommendation for the elevation of Justices (1) Aniruddha Bose, and (2) A.S. Bopanna, as Judges of the Supreme Court.

“The Collegium is of the view that, as laid down by the Supreme Court in its Opinion in Re: Special Reference No. 1 of 1998 reported in (1998) 7 SCC 739, though inter-se seniority amongst Judges in their High Courts and their combined seniority on all India basis should be given due weightage, merit should be the predominant consideration. The Collegium accordingly kept in mind these parameters while recommending the above two names.”

Collegium comprising of Ranjan Gogoi, CJ and S.A. Bobde, N.V. Ramana, Arun Mishra and R.F. Nariman, JJ. resolves to reiterate the afore-mentioned recommendation dated 12-04-2019, especially since nothing adverse regarding competence, conduct or integrity of Mr. Justices (1) Aniruddha Bose, and (2) A.S. Bopanna, has been pointed out.

[Resolution dt. 08-05-2019]

Supreme Court of India

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