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DSNLU | Conference on Immanuel Kanth and Transformative Justice (December 15th to 16th)

DSNLU is conducting conference on Immanuel Kanth and Transformative Justice in vizag.
About the Conference

The Conference is unequivocally the first of its kind in India, relating to the work of Kant. This two-day conference invites participants from across nations and disciplines, to brainstorm on Kant’s work, thought and philosophy.


1. CONSTITUTIONAL MORALITY AND KANTIAN JUSTICE: The concept of the Constitution is not an idea of positive law, but a Vernunftidee [an idea of reason], that is, it is not subject to written law, or in Kant’s terms, empirical (or statutory) or positive law.

2. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND KANT’S EPISTEMOLOGY: Kant’s pure rational cognition that is generated from concepts with metaphysics, contends that science requires a metaphysics of nature. The use of technology is permissible only when it finds its place in the light of culture and territory. Kant believed that philosophy is the “narrow gate” that connects to the world at large.

3. KANT AND NATURE: An organized product of nature is that in which all the parts are mutual ends and means. Kant advocated Doctrine of Virtue that one should not be cruel to animals and destroy the flora. Humans have direct duties only to themselves and other human beings. Kant has also emphasised on the integral role that Ethics and Morality plays on Human Determination.

4. KANT AND PERSONAL JUSTICE: Considering a person as an object to satisfy the appetite of a person is a degradation of human nature. Immanuel Kant in his metaphysics of morals came out with a theory of property rights. His assertions on the Universal principle of right led to discussions on the property rights of individuals.

5. KANT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Better the whole people perish than injustice be done. Kant states that guilt is the necessary condition for the infliction of punishment. He also added that punishment of the innocent is conceptual and moral pathology. It is largely to avoid such a punishment that Kant inveighs against private revenge, vigilantism, war, and any other activity, which allows a disputant to judge his own case and punish according to his own biased decision.

6. KANT AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Kant is hailed as the greatest of all theorists in the field of International Relations (IR), his
theories provide a lasting effect in the understanding of IR in the modern context.

Guidelines for Authors
Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, NYAYAPRASTHA, Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam-531035, Andhra Pradesh.

Registration Fee

Registration for Indian Authors:

Registration for Foreign Authors

Moderate and Limited Accommodation Available on First Come, First Serve.

Payment Details:

Registrar, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University
BANK NAME: Andhra Bank
BRANCH: Sabbavaram
A/c No.: 283710100024089
IFSC Code: ANDB0002837

List of Hotels for Self-Arrangement
  1. The Green Park
  2. Mantris
  3. Sai Priya Beach Resorts
  4. The Park
  5. Novotel Varun Beach

Transportation facility from these hotels will be provided by the University.

Important Dates

Submission of full paper: On or before 23.59 hrs, 30th September, 2019

Date of Conference: 14 &15 December, 2019

*Abstract may be sent on or before 16 July, 2019 for our reference.


E-Mail ID


Dr. Nandini C.P. +91- 9949221603, Associate Professor of Law.


Student Coordinators:

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