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Fact Check: Has the Supreme Court approved any logo for teachers which they can use on their vehicles?

A social media post has been doing the rounds that a logo has been approved by the Supreme Court for teachers to put on their vehicles. The forward says that

Congratulations to all teachers.

The Supreme Court has approved this logo to be put on teachers cars.

Just like doctors and lawyers.

Please share with all teachers.


A photo of the forward is given below: 


Let us test the veracity of these claims.

A cursory search on the Supreme Court website as well as legal databases such as SCC Online showed no judgment or court order, on any logo being approved for teachers, by the top court.

On further search, it was found that Press Information Bureau have debunked this news as fake on their social media handles. On their twitter page, PIB has tweeted this link

Therefore, we can safely say that this news is fake and the Supreme Court has passed no such orders.


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