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USA | Policy Statement on consumer device repairs combating repair restrictions, adopted by FTC

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has with effect from July 21, 2021 unanimously adopted a Policy Statement to combat practices that the agency refers as “repair restrictions” for consumer devices and other products.


In light of the view that constraining consumers by imposing repair restrictions leads to substantial increase in the total cost of repairs, generate harmful electronic waste, and unnecessarily increase wait times for repairs. Hence, combating restrictions provide more choices in repairs which can lead to lower costs, reduce e-waste, enable more timely repairs, and provide economic opportunities for entrepreneurs and local businesses.


Therefore, FTC has adopted the Policy Statement, wherein it will inspect the manufacturers’ policies that impact consumer product repair options and prioritize an enforcement approach against limitations that it believes to be unlawful.


The Policy Statement identifies different types of repair-related policies that the FTC will scrutinize:


*Tanvi Singh, Editorial Assistant has reported this brief.

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