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Advocate Anil Kumar appointed as Senior Standing Counsel of Chandigarh Admn. in Punjab & Haryana HC

Punjab and Haryana High Court

Punjab and Haryana High Court

Administrator, U.T. Chandigarh, is pleased to appoint Sh. Anil Mehta, Advocate as Senior Standing Counsel of Chandigarh Administration in the Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh for three years or till further order for civil cases on the following term and conditions:

  • Sh. Anil Mehta, Advocate shall accept notices issued by Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh on behalf of Chandigarh Administration or any public officer. Subordinate thereto in Civil Cases only and shall seek instructions from Chandigarh Administration.
  • He shall not accept brief/cases against the Chandigarh Administration and will have to give an undertaking that he will not accept any brief against the Chandigarh Administration in any Court of India.
  • He shall represent the Chandigarh Administration in such cases as the law Department/Chandigarh Administration may, either generally or by special order decide.
  • He will be paid a fee of Rs 30,000/- per case. However, in link cases, only half the fee will be an aid. The cases which are decided by one judgment of the High Court will be classified as a link case. The fee will be paid as per the instructions of the Chandigarh Administration issued from time to time.
  • He shall be under an obligation to give a legal opinion in such matter as may be referred to him by Chandigarh Administration from time to time without extra fee.
  • He will be paid Rs 20,000/- as retainership fee per month, Rs 2500/- per month as Telephone Charges, Rs 5000/- per month as stationery charges and Rs. 15000/- per month as lump sum amount for engagement of Clerk and Peon etc. for his assistance, thereby making a total of Rs 42500/- per month. The said charges will be paid by the Estate Office, Union Territory, Chandigarh.
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