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Call for Papers | Journal of Campus Law Centre (JCLC)

The Journal of Campus Law Centre (JCLC) (ISSN: 2321-4716) is a refereed journal published by the Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, India. It provides a platform to publish high quality legal research. We invite original and previously unpublished articles, notes and comments, ‘judicial trends’, ‘legislative trends’, and book reviews from academicians, judges, lawyers and research scholars on any contemporary legal and socio-legal issue for Volume IX (2022). The contributors must not submit their manuscript elsewhere while it is under consideration at the JCLC.

Further, the contributors must ensure that their submission is their own original work and not plagiarized, and any submission found to be plagiarized shall be summarily rejected.


Submission Guidelines:

The submissions shall be submitted to at the latest by 28th February 2022 in the electronic form.

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