Bombay High Court<\/span>: In an application filed under Section 482<\/a> of the Criminal Procedure Code<\/a> I.e., CrPC, to quash the First Information Report filed for the offences punishable under Sections 498A<\/a>, 323<\/a>, 504<\/a>, 406<\/a>, 506<\/a> read with Section 34<\/a> of Penal Code, 1860<\/a> i.e., IPC and Section 3<\/a> of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961<\/a>, a Division Bench of Anuja Prabhudessai and R M Joshi, JJ., quashed the FIR to prevent the abuse of the process of the Court, to protect the right of the applicant and thus to secure the ends of justice.<\/p>\n The applicant is the married sister of the husband of respondent 2-wife. The marriage between respondent 2 and the brother of the applicant was solemnized on 19-04-2019. Respondent 2 left the matrimonial home on 07-06-2019. She lodged First Information Report on 12-11-2019 against her husband, his parents and the applicant herein alleging that they had subjected her to physical and mental cruelty within the meaning of Section 498A<\/a> of IPC<\/a><\/p>\n