In a unanimous judgment, the Court while examining the Family Procedures Rules 2010, allowed the appeal and referred the wife’s application to the Family Division of the High Court and restored the cost allowance order and set aside the repayment order passed by the Court of Appeal. Giving the lead judgment Lord Wilson observed that the decisive test for passing order as to legal costs was whether the wife could afford services of her solicitors by any other means. Further, the Court also observed that the appellant’s application is legally recognisable and is not an abuse of the process of the court and her appeal against the order of repayment therefore succeeds. Wyatt v. Vince, 2015 UKSC 14, decided on
Wife can claim Interim Periodical legal cost on ground of straitened circumstances even after 14 years of obtaining divorce
Supreme Court of United Kingdom- The appeal before the Court pertains to the interim periodical payments to fund the legal costs involved