Mental Health

Mental Health and the Legal Profession
by Shivani Nair†
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“The ardent task of judging is one ridden with thorns and thistles” says Justice CD Singh
Interviewed by Radhika Bishwajit Dubey and Bhumika Indulia
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[Episode 3] “The prime reason of mental health issue among legal fraternity is insecurity in legal profession” says Rajiv Bakshi
Interviewed by Radhika Bishwajit Dubey and Bhumika Indulia
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[Episode 2] “the more discussion you have about mental health issue in different forums, the less stigma will be attached to someone suffering from mental health issues” says Justice Rajiv Shakdher
Justice Rajiv Shakdher graduated in B.Com. (Hons.) from Delhi University in 1984. He obtained LL.B. degree from Law Faculty, University of Delhi
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Primer on Mental Health Laws
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve There
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[Episode 1] ‘Mental Health: A Concern for All’ says Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul
Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul was born on December 26, 1958 and hails from the distinguished Dattareya Kauls of Srinagar, whose ancestry can
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Thoughts of a Wandering Mind during Lockdown
by Radhika Bishwajeet Dubey†
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Musing on Mental Health – Bench and the Bar
by Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul† and Radhika Bishwajit Dubey††
Assisted by Aman Singhania
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