Delhi High Court: Dismissing a writ petition, the Delhi High Court reiterated that applications to the Medical Council of India (MCI), inter alia, for approval of new courses and increase of seats are liable to be dismissed if they are filed after the cut-off date. The High Court followed the decision of the Supreme Court in Educare Charitable Trust  v. Union of India, (2013) 16 SCC 474, that hat  in  the  given  circumstances (where application is filed after the cut-off date)  mandamus  could not be issued to the Government   to exercise its discretionary  powers  in  a  particular  manner  to  modify  the  time-schedule.   Sanctity   to   the   time-schedule   has   to   be attached.

The Court had further held that directions for consideration of applications which were incomplete on the cut-off date would result in granting benefit to some institutes, while similarly situated other institutes would be denied such benefit. U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Science & Research v. Union of India, 2015 SCC OnLine Del 10296decided on 13th July, 2015


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