A Loan agreement signed between the Government of India and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in January, 2016 for a project of ‘Pollution abatement of river Mula-Mutha at Pune under National River Conservation Plan (NRCP)’. JICA is providing a soft loan of 19,064 million Japanese Yen to Government of India for the project at 0.3% per annum interest rate, which is to be repaid by Government of India in a period of 40 years, including 10 years’ grace period. The Pune Municipal Corporation has no liability to repay the loan. The cost of the project will be shared between Government of India and the State Government/Pune Municipal Corporation in the ratio of 85:15 respectively.

The major components sanctioned under the project include construction of 11 new Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) of 396 million litres per day (mld) capacity, laying of sewer lines and renovation/rehabilitation of existing intermediate pumping stations, installation of Central Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for centralized monitoring of functioning of STPs, construction of community toilet facilities in slum and fringe areas, public participation and awareness programme.

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