Call for Papers: Lex Revolution is A Quarterly Published International Research Journal. We invite scholarly unpublished papers on various fields of Law, Human Rights and Social Science from students, teachers, scholars and professionals for the Volume-III, Issue-1 Jan-Mar 2017 of the Lex Revolution ISSN 2394-997X. The Journal welcomes the submission of papers that meet the general criteria of significance and academic brilliance. Authors are requested to emphasize on novel theoretical standard and downtrodden concerns of the mentioned areas against the backdrop of proper objectification of suitable primary materials and documents. The papers must not be published in parts or whole or accepted for publication anywhere else.
The words limit for (inclusive of footnotes):
a) Article: up to 3000-4000 words,
b) Short comments: up to1500 words,
c) Book Review: up to 1000 words.
Last Date for Submission: February 15, 2017
For submission guidelines and any other details please visit


Authors are requested to strictly follow the bellow mentioned submission guidelines:

  • Submission must be written in English only.
  • Each submission should be accompanied with an Abstract containing 5 keywords explaining the aims & object of the paper and Name of Author(s), Designation, Institute, Contact details etc..
  • The font shall be in Times New Roman of font size 14 for title or headings & 12 for main text.
  • The footnotes shall be of font size 10. End notes are not to be used.
  • Citation Mode – A uniform method of citation is accepted.
  • File must be in MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) format with spacing of 1.5 on A4 size page, assigning file names of authors and title of the paper respectively.
  • The words limit for (inclusive of footnotes):
    a) Article: upto 3000-4000 words,
    b) Short comments: upto1500 words,
    c) Book Review: upto 1000 words.
  • Co-authorship will be allowed to a maximum of two authors.
  • If the submission is accepted for publication, authors will have to submit publication fee & a declaration stating his work is original, unpublished and is not been submitted for publication anywhere else.
  • To ensure anonymity in reviewing the papers, title of the paper, name of the author, co-author, designation, address, contact number and e-mail shouldappear only on the first page of the paper.
  • All submissions shall be made to ‘editor(dot)lexrevolution(at)’ with ‘Submission Article/Comment/Book Review: Title of Paper & Name of Author’ as subject.
  • Editor reserves the right to do the necessary changes required.
  • All submissions will be checked for plagiarism. The authors are strictly expected to acknowledge the references made use of. In any case of violation of copyright the Author himself will be liable.
  • Authors submitting manuscript written in English are requested to check their article using any online free plagiarism checker. We suggest using to restrict plagiarism, for free.
  • All publication related queries shall be addressed to editor(dot)lexrevolution(at) with specific subject line.

NOTE: Page numbers and page borders should not be used. Abstract and Paper both should be in single file only. Non-compliance with the above guidelines may lead to rejection.

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