The National Human Rights Commission, through its intervention, has ensured that an officer, retired on 30th September, 2014 from a public sector undertaking, ITI Limited, got his outstanding retirement dues of Rs. 3.5 lakhs within seven months after filing a complaint in the Commission on 10th October, 2016. He was struggling to get his money for more than two years and needed it more than ever before since his wife required treatment for cancer.

During the course of inquiry, the Commission on the basis of material on record found that the Company is not able to clear the dues of its ex-employees because of critical financial condition and that it was hopeful to be able to progressively clear their dues within 02 years period. The Commission observed that “admittedly, ITI Limited has to pay the dues of the ex-employees. The complainant’s wife is suffering from Lung Cancer and her treatment cannot wait for two years. Therefore, keeping in view the right of life and right to health of the complainant’s wife, the ITI Limited should clear the dues immediately.”

In response to the Commission’s directions, a report dated 8th May, 2017 says that in compliance with the directions of the Commission, the Company Management has approved, as a special and medical emergency case, sanction of Rs. 3, 47,774/- towards settlement of the PL dues to the complainant, which he has received. Earlier, in response to the notice of the Commission, the Company had responded that as on 31st March, 2016, their total PL Encasement Liability towards Ex-employees was above Rs. 37.7 crores. In case, the management agreed to settle the due payment of the complainant through NHRC intervention, other claimants may also approach the Commission for their claims and as precedence, it will have to clear their cases too and that would badly impact and derail the company’s Revival Plans.

However, the Commission set aside the contention of the ITI Limited and directed it to take immediate action to clear the dues of the complainant as he required the money for treatment of his wife.

National Human Rights Commission

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