Sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 requires that all Child Care Institutions (CCIs) whether run by State Government or by voluntary or non-governmental organisations shall be registered under the Act. This further provides that the institutions having valid registrations under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 shall be deemed to be registered under the Act. The primary responsibility of registrations as well as effective functioning of the CCIs vests with the State Governments/UT Administrations concerned. However, a mapping and review exercise was undertaken through Childline India Foundation (CIF) and the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) to understand the registration and  status of Institutions vis-à-vis the norms and standards prescribed under the JJ Act (2000/2015) across the country.

CIF has submitted the final data for 9589 number of homes mapped and reviewed across the country. Accordingly, ministry has requested to all the State Govt./UTs vide letter dated 10th March, 4th May and 1st December, 2017 respectively, to ensure registration and appropriate action for rehabilitation of children in need of care and protection. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide its Order dated 5th May, 2017 on Writ Petition (C) No. 102 of 2007 has also directed that all unregistered CCIs be registered by 31st December, 2017. Accordingly, as stated, the State Governments/UTs have been requested to ensure registration of all CCIs either run by State Government or by voluntary or non-governmental organizations. As per the information provided by the State/UT Governments, as on date, the number of Child Care Institutions (CCIs) registered under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000/2015 in the country alongwith the number of children residing in these institutions and which are being supported under the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), is given below:

Category Children Home Beneficiaries Specialized Adoption Agencies (SAAs) Beneficiaries Open Shelter Beneficiaries


1177 61423 354 3362 295 8023

 Ministry of Women and Child Development


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