Hariyali – ILS Environmental Law Cell, ILS Law College, Pune shall be organising a Tree Walk around the campus. The Tree Walk is a walk around the lush green campus of ILS led by Prof. S.D. Mahajan, renowned botanist and environmentalist.

During the Tree Walk, Prof. Mahajan shall talking about the trees in ILS and the stories behind them and source of the tree.

The Tree Walk shall begin at 5 pm on 5th March 2018.

Reporting time is 4:45 pm, outside ILS Boys’ Hostel Main Gate.

Please bring a Pen/Pencil and Notebook along.

There is no registration fee and no certificates shall be issued.

It is open for all, irrespective of legal background.

Register by sending SMS or WhatsApp message to Saranya or Ishwari.

Saranya Mishra: (+91) 7506228224

Ishwari Pendse: (+91) 8983696138

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