The Student Bar Association of Hidayatullah National Law University is elated to announce that Prof. (Dr). Sukh Pal Singh has tendered his resignation to the Hon’ble Chancellor and Chief Justice of Chhattisgarh High Court, Justice  A. K. Tripathi, on the 1st of October at approximately 6:30 p.m.  We are obliged to the Chancellor for accepting the resignation and ending the tyrannical rule of Dr. Singh.

The students ended their hunger strike with coconut water offered to them by the supporting faculty. Upon hearing the news, celebrations have ensued not just within the campus but outside as well. A peace march took place to reclaim the campus marking the end of Singh’s tyranny.

The student body is overwhelmed by the sacrifices made and the support offered from across the nation to the fasting students. We thank the alumni and the media profusely for their constant support. Without their help, it would have been impossible to get the national recognition that helped our struggle. From this moment on, the students shall end this night with the faith that tomorrow shall be a new dawn for HNLU.

This is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hail Hidayatullah!

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