The Centre for Child Rights, National law University Odisha has been publishing a bi-annual journal with specific focus on child rights. Two volumes were published in the year 2017. After verification, the title as Journal of Rights of the Child of National Law University Odisha has been approved by the RNI. However, title registration is currently under the process of RNI.

Although, the title registration is under consideration of Government of India, the Centre was able to bring out two volumes successfully and it was because of the enthusiastic responses from academia. This year, the Editorial Board of the journal decided to invite scholarly papers, book reviews, case comments, movie reviews on issues relating to children, which may include but not limited to child rights, child abuse, child exploitation, violence against children, etc. The journal welcomes any theme relating to welfare of children and child rights.

Original unpublished writings by teachers, students, lawyers, professionals etc. are welcome and can be submitted at Journal on Rights of the Child aims to encourage interdisciplinary discussion on welfare of children. Therefore, articles from disciplines other than law are also encouraged.

All  articles,  book  reviews  and  case  comments  should  be  original  and  not  published elsewhere.  If  any  article  has  been  accepted  for publication  elsewhere  while  under consideration for publication in the Journal on Rights of the Child, the author should inform immediately if she/he wants to withdraw the article. A maximum of two co-authors are allowed for any submission.

An abstract of 150 to 300 words should be submitted along with articles and comments.

Given below is the word limit for the three categories of writings, excluding footnotes.

Articles – 5000-8000

Book Review/ Movie Review  – 2000-3000 words

Notes/Comments and Case Comments – 2000-4000 words

Submission Guidelines:

Language:  English

Font Type and Size (Main Text): Times New Roman, 12

Font Type and Size (Footnotes): Calibri, 10

Line Spacing (Main Text) and (Footnotes): 1.5, Single

Format: .doc or .docx

Citation: OSCOLA 4th Edition

Author Details: Name of authors, co-authors, their affiliation and designation in the organisation/institution they are affiliated with

Declaration: All writings should be accompanied by a declaration that they are original and not published elsewhere.

Mode of Submission:  Email at

Click HERE for more information.

For any queries, please contact: Editor-in-Chief Dr. Aruna Srilakshmi


Ms. Priyanka Anand 

Ms. Sohini Mahapatra

Student Editors          

Ayush Johri

Torsha Sarkar

Divya Rathore

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