The Center for Law and Development (CLD) is a research center at National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi. It features articles, case notes and opinions by experts in the area of Security Law. The Quarterly e-Newsletter also provides updates on the legal and regulatory developments in the area.The CLD NUALS Securities E-Newsletter is a leading online newsletter in the area of Securities Law and is now open for contributions for its fifth edition to be published in November 2018.

Topic: The contributions must deal with a contemporary issue of securities law and must provide the author’s novel take on the issue.

Sub Themes:

  • K. Vishwanath Committee Report on Fair Market Conduct.
  • High-Level Committee Report on Settlement Mechanism.
  • Credit Rating Agencies (Recent developments).
  • Commodities Derivative Market (Recent developments).
  • REITs/ InvITs
  • SEBI (ICDR) Amendment Regulations 2018.
  • SEBI (Appointment for Refunding to the Investors) Regulations 2018.
  • SEBI’s new KYC norms and its impact on foreign investors.
  • SEBI’s regulatory changes for facilitating IBC proceedings.
  • SEBI (Buyback of Securities) Regulations 2018.
  • SCR (Stock Exchange and Clearing Corporations) Regulations 2018.
  • Electronic Book Mechanism for the issuance of securities on a private placement basis.

Submission Procedure and Guidelines

  • The word limit for the contribution is 800 to 1200. (excluding footnotes)
  • The article should be submitted as a Word Document (.docx) and must be in Times New Roman font size 12, line spacing 1.5 for contents and footnotes.
  • Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 2 authors.
  • The selected contributions will be published and all such contributions will be acknowledged in the newsletter.
  • Plagiarism will lead to disqualification of the contribution.
  • Footnotes should be avoided and kept to a bare minimum.
  • In order to facilitate independent, innovative dialogue on securities law and regulatory practice, we invite students as well as professionals to send in their entries to on or before October 25, 2018 (by 11:59 p.m.).

The subject of the mail shall be ‘Submission for CLD E-Newsletter Edn. 5’. The body of the mail shall contain details of the author (full name, semester, university and contact number).

Contact: For regular updates, follow us on LinkedIn. In case of any queries, you can reach out to us at

Or call: Akhil Kumar: + 91 8789937466; Rohitesh Tak: +91 9039098531

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