Allahabad High Court: A transfer application was filed under Section 24 of Code of Civil Procedure before a Single Judge Bench of Anjani Kumar Mishra, J. for transfer of Motor Vehicles Claim petition pending before the Motor Vehicles Claim Tribunal.

A motor vehicle claim was filed before motor vehicle tribunal in order to receive compensation. The petitioner filed an application for transfer of matter pending before the tribunal. The question before the court was whether an application under the Motor Vehicles Act could be transferred under Section 24 of Code of Civil Procedure. For resolving the above dispute relevant provisions of Motor Vehicles Act were referred to. It was viewed that the Tribunal had been created under Section 165 of the Motor Vehicles Act by the State Government.

Under Rule 221 of U.P. Motor Vehicle Rules, 1998 which mentions the cases where Code of Civil Procedure could be applied suggested that the Code has no application in the matter under Section 24 by virtue of the nature of the Act to be a complete code in itself. Section 24 states the general power to transfer matter pending in a court subordinate to High Court or District Court. Court referred to the case of Ethiopian Airlines v. Ganesh Narain Saboo, 2011 (8) SCC 539 and viewed the Act to be specific and special thus giving limited applicability to the Code. The Tribunal was formed under a special Act which was sufficient in itself and cannot be said to be subordinate. Therefore, the transfer application was dismissed being not maintainable. [Shankar Lal v. Asha Devi,2018 SCC OnLine All 2545, order dated 12-11-2018]

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