ILS Law College, Pune presents the competition exclusively for LLM Students.

The competition is designed to test research, comprehension and writing skills.

Chapter alternatives for the Competition are as follows: (Any one has to be chosen)

Feminism in the Sub Continent & Beyond: Challenging Laws Changing Laws
ed. Jaya Sagade, Vedna Jivan, Christine Foster
Chapter 1:

“Fair Sex” and Unfair Treatment: Some Reflections on Constitutional Design and Institutional Response with special reference to India (Sanjay Jain & Shirish Deshpande)

Engendering  Law

Ed. Amita Dhanda & Archana Parashar

Chapter 1:

Reasonable Man, Reasonable Woman and Reasonable Expectations (Usha Ramanathan)

Due Process of Law

Abhinav Chandrachud

Chapter 3:

“Due Process of Law” and the Constitutent Assembly of India

Natural Resources Law

P. Ishwara Bhat

Chapter 3:

Socio-cultural Dimensions of Natural Resources Law (Ishwara Bhat, Yogini Oke & Prerna Dhoop)

The soft copies of the chapter shall be made available on registration, post which registered student can decide to author critique of the chapter in 500-600 words on any one chapter of choice.

This is an individual competition and co-authorship is not admitted. The competition is shall be hosted online.

Mode of Registration:

  • Interested students kindly register by 24th January 2019, by sending,  Full Name, College Name and Roll Number, through mail to
  • In case, of any techincal or otherwise problem, you may also register by sending, Full Name, College Name and Roll Number, through SMS or WhatsApp message to Saranya Mishra at (+91) 7506228224.

(Please refrain from calling at first instance, since as organisers your call is valuable and we would not like to miss it)

  • There is no registration fee.

Last date for submission is 7th February 2019 23:59 hrs.

Evaluation break up is as follows:

  1. Comprehension of the underlying essence of the case
  1. Research undertaken (in terms of the precedents found) and cited in the write-up
  1. Writing skills, i.e.
  1. Content
  2. Logical sequencing
  3. Language and Grammar
  4. Amalgamation of ideas
  5. Creativity
10 for each sub head=50

Prizes for the competition are sponsored by SCC Online/Eastern Book Company.

Student Coordinator:

Saranya Mishra


Faculty Coordinator:

Ms. Sampada Kangane

Mr. Rohit Bokil

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