Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia conducted an extension lecture on Triple Talaq and Shariyat: (Analysis of Legality, Reality, and Legitimacy in the light of the Indian Constitution).

  • Mr. Shabbir Ahmad (Former Chairman, Dept. of Law; AMU)
  • Nuzhat Parveen Khan (Dean; Faculty of Law; JMI)
  • Mr. A.P. Siddiqui (Registrar; JMI)
  • Mr. Faizan-ur-Rehman (Subject Advisor; Faculty of Law; JMI)
The panel was chaired by Mr. Shabbir Ahmad, who discussed legal and religious aspects of shariat and the instant triple talaq. He intrinsically described the borderline with the contemporary altered reforms which led the women to be a subject of cruelty in the name of religion. He made it abundantly clear the actual stand of shariat in this regard. He described various laws that are actually in the shariat which empower men and women equally but are not taken into consideration in the Muslim Personal Laws, one of them being the right to household women to get reimbursement if she is indulged in any household works, even breastfeeding. He highlighted the role and expectations from the members of the legislative assembly and the waqf board to interpret the shariat and formulate them into the Muslim Personal Laws without alterations so that men and especially women are not treated unequally.

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