MSB Invites all authors including legal luminaries, professors, lawyers,  judges, experts and opinion makers For papers, articles, notes and comments latest by 20th March, 2019. Journal Goes to Press on 2nd April 2019.
The submissions may be on any contemporary having legal or normative implications or issues connected with experiences and concerns about governance, economic or social development, women and welfare of deprived sections of population; we would love to receive work for self reliant economy, industrial/technological development models.
The discussion papers may include Pedagogy of law, legal aid, promoting access to justice through law schools and experiential learning of law to strengthen efforts of justice delivery and education. We would wish that law as discipline must choose to support at least one social welfare programme.
The submission should include an abstract of 200 words along with manuscript and the author(s) name and designation as a footnote. The abstract should depict observations and final conclusions. Five keywords establishing the scope of the manuscript are to be submitted. More details are in enclosed guidelines.
It is advised that the final stage draft may be submitted so that the suggestions can be sent for uniformity.
For more information, refer MSB Law Journal Bharatpur

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