DSNLU is conducting one day National Seminar on Law and Mental Health. “The profession of law and psychology share little in terms of how they conceptualize their subject matter – people”. Some would tend to disagree with this statement, suggesting that Law and psychology are two separate fields; they are united by their interest in human behaviour. Psychology seeks to understand and explain human behaviour while law seeks to regulate human behaviour. With both fields making assumptions about what causes people to act
the way they do.

Inaugural Session

1st Speaker: Prof (Dr) S. Surya Prakash

9:45 Hours: Honorable Vice Chancellor is welcoming Dr.S. Radha Rani, Dr. Prof. Muralidhar and welcoming the archaic of program Lakshmipathi Raju Sir, Further Vice Chancellor laid emphasis on mental health stigma in general public and further went on saying Health is one of the most neglected subjects. V.C voiced the mentally ill people’s toughness by telling the issues involved in mental illness.

9:50 Hours: Vice Chancellor spoke about the troubles of mental health with respect to the patients and also the lack of doctors in psycho neurology department. He spoke about the essentials of the compiled study of mental health and law citing the aforesaid acts of mental health and law. He has also briefed about Anil kumar mahajan v UOI- Patna Case.

10:26 Hours: V.C has cited Equal opportunities Act 1995- Section 2(1) showing light on basic objectives of the Act. He clearly brought the crowd to unison with authenticated speech and voicing the dangers that are prone for mentally ill people giving an overview of the issue.

2nd Speaker: Prof. M. Lakshmipathi Raju

10:35 Hours: Prof. Lakshmipathi Raju has cordially invited Dr. Muralidhar and briefed about the long run of the Chief Guest along with his career path. He has appreciated Vice Chancellor for his participation and good heading of academic activities. The speaker further went on to say mental disorders are mostly minor in nature and there would be hardly anyone who would not have mental stress in day to day life.

10:40 Hours: The speaker viewed his opinion on the previous situation of mentally ill patients when compared to the current situation it is much better but there is still a stigma. The speaker voiced the need for the availability of the services provided for mentally ill persons and need for washing out the stigma around the subject. He firmly said that the approach for treatment of mental illness must be changed.

10:43 Hours:  He greatly thanked Vice Chancellor for the seminar and also the delegates who have attended the seminar. The speaker has also informed gathering about the book that is to be published which would be a compiling of the seminar research paper.

3rd Speaker: Dr. Muralidhar

10:46 Hours: The speaker emphasized the importance of care – bio, socio, physical care. He also stated about his belief of the betterment with care in the community. His views on the offences such as abuse, rape….provoked the thought in the gathering where he has briefed about the need and work that has been done by several departments such as law and mental health departments for the wellness of the mentally ill.

10:49 Hours:  The speaker has quoted by saying ”i feel what i think,….” where a paradox was shown with an example of smoking. He focused on the Mental Health Act – Rights and Regulations. He told the importance to the legal and mental health about the child sexual abuse and rape.

4th Speaker: Dr. S. Radha Rani 

10:57 Hours: The speaker has started the session by thanking the organising committee, convener of the seminar, Vice Chancellor and other delegates attended. She has cited the statistics of WHO where one out of 10 might be suffering with mental disorders. She has also raised the issue related to the treatment gap due to the lack of availability of the professionals.

11:01 Hours: The speaker has addressed her opinion about the need of awareness and removal of stigma. She has showed the paradigm shift about a old act i.e Indian Lunacy Act- Custodial care and the present scenario about the mental health act. She has also informed about the objectives being protection of persons of mental illness by the act ( Consent of the persons for receiving treatment, directory and registration facilities).

11:07 Hours: Speaker introduced about the hospital facilities and the change that it has gone through the years throughout her work experience. She has also spoken about the process of admission of patients and the care procedures that the hospital practices. Speaker firmly voiced her opinion about the unawarness of the Mental Health Act and has emphasised the difference between mental retardation and mental illness. She has cited different statistics in Visakhapatnam,, AP state at large about the psychiatry department which reasoned her opinions on the treatment gap.

11:15 Hours: She firmly said the need for conducting this program everywhere for the removal of the stigma and offering help for the patients which would help the patients explicit can cure their illness.

11:21 Hours: Prof. Lakshmipathi Raju is thanking all the delegates, Guest of Honour, Paper writers, Colleagues, Co- Conveners, and Vice Chancellor.

11:25 Hours: The mementos are being exchanged by chief guests.

First Session

11:46 Hours: Chair: Muralidhar, Aruna Sri Lakshmi, Mrs. J. Uma Rao

11:50 Hours: Speaker Miss Deesha Kaire starts with her paper presentation. Title of the paper is Mental health care Act 2017- Saviour of possible epidemics. The speaker starts with the definition and has concerned about the person suffering from mental illness fixing stigma whole purpose and objective of Mental health care Act. She further went on stating examples of substantial disorder and disorder of thinking.

11:55 Hours:  Speaker presented the slides of detailed study of the definition, scope of mental illness. She has stated that there is no explanation given where these terminology (such as psychosis etc..) are being used which are not used elsewhere outside India. Speaker believes that the requirements and objectives are going to be defeated unless these terminologies are used.

11:59 Hours: The speaker has concluded by saying advanced directive method is being inducted where present support and the implementation is not found and is not as lucrative. Rural people having the access of mental health care act is necessary.

12:00 Hours: Speaker: Aruna Sri Laxmi has started with her topic International perspective with the rights of persons with the disabilities. As per the speaker mentally ill people must also have the right to lead a decent life (cited with the help human right treaties). The disabilities convention 2006 comes into picture where the speaker came into contact with a girl who is mentally challenged, She was given in the custody of neighbours , Where she was raped and now she is in hospital.

12:07 Hours: Right to protection against inhumane treatment, restriction, release, personal contact. Advanced directive which would avoid the stigma and misconceptions. The speaker concludes by stating the need for sensitisation which would remove the stigma.

12:10 Hours: Harshitha has started her presentation by saying reaction of the person to situation is divided to the unsoundness and soundness. The welfare is at risk according to the speaker as the mentally ill persons such as involuntary patients need hard laws. Mentally ill people are vulnerable to the infringement of basic rights productive laws and policies. The speaker has concluded by saying Mental health care Act focuses on proper treatment so that they would not stand as a threat to society.

12:14 Hours: Y. Sai Rishikesh has stated that mentally ill persons are unable to perform their daily activities and he has stressed upon the rights of mentally ill people, Right to access for medical care, Right to information to mentally ill patients. He has concluded by saying there are many rights that can be claimed by mentally ill people.

12:18 Hours: Jashwanth has started with the preamble of the Act and further went on elaborating the substantial disorder, orientation of memory, behavior or capacity. He has emphasised on the importance of Constitutional perspective of the Mental Health Care Act. Speaker dealt with the provisions of Act where he has briefed out the chapters of the act in detail. The speaker has concluded by saying Mental health care should be appreciated, due to the provisions that are included.

12:23 Hours:  Chaitanya has made critical analysis of Mental Health Care Act. Conventions of rights of people with mental disabilities are discussed by the speaker. Speaker brought light on the Act which was to be aligned with the convention. Speaker related with prof. Radha Rani’s presentation where lack of social workers made a lot of impact. He also pointed out that adolescents were more prone to the mental illness.

12:31 Hours: Sunitha started with her presentation by giving certain suggestions to reform the mental health care. She stated that lack of awareness and proper medical treatment is lacking which makes it difficult to implement the rights to mentally ill people.

12:40 Hours: Assistant Prof. Uma Rao (Gitam University) stated that urban areas are more affected when compared with rural areas. Anxiety, tobacco, Alcohol are major reason for the increase of mental illness. Principles of equity, non- discrimination are ordinary step for the private parties. Speaker shows light on the problems involved in the care takers and patients.

12:45 Hours: Yogitha presented her views about the need for people to consider the factors of mental illness rather than seeing it as stigma. She has spoken about prevention and promotion of positive mental health. Mind and body sync is what they lack according to the speaker. Recovering of patients is the major objective of the Act. ”The question of prevention comes into picture.” Speaker stated that prevention aspect is based on individual, family members role comes into play for the part of counselling, one to one interaction.

13:14 Hours: Final line of comment by ”Muralidhar”. He has praised and appreciated the efforts of voluntary organizations such as MVP foundation towards mentally ill people. Encouragement for the patients success stories would automatically remove the stigma.

13:15 Hours: All the delegates, guests, and Committee members are heading towards lunch. The second session is expected to start by 14:15 pm.

Second Session

14:15 Hours: Chair for the session: B.N Roopesh (Key speaker), Deesha Claire – Chair person

14:17 Hours: Sundari, has emphasised on Psychology of Child victims of sexual offences. She has clarified the types of Child sexual abuse i.e Contact abuse and Non contact abuse. Non contact abuse includes showing children pornography. The speaker gave a bird eye of the child sexual abuses which might result to severe psychological disorders. The speaker expressed her thoughts on how the child must participate in a free interaction with parents which would hinder the happening of abuse.

14:22 Hours: Ashmita, defined the Child sexual abuse and also emphasized the types of child sexual abuse. Speaker firmly expressed the hard reality where children would not explicit condemn heir abuse and would go throw the different phases of mental disorders. The children of sexual abuse must be protected for better future as per the speaker.

14:27 Hours: Aagya Goyal, emphasised on mental health and delinquency. The speaker presented several statistics of the juvenile delinquency (of different crimes). Speaker correlated the crime that has been performed with the child psychology with a live example which presented a clear picture of a 14 years old boy’s mental condition where he murdered another boy of same age. Speaker emphasised on the point that child would not be able to differentiate what is good or bad. Speaker also put forward the causes of mental disorders among the children: which would be offences like rape, sexual abuse, bipolar disorder, OCD etc. The speaker suggested that children are required to learn ethics which are to be taught in early phase of their life.

14:35 Hours: Dr. Roopesh speaks on the topic Juvenile justice act and amendments. The speaker presented the prevalence of Juvenile delinquency by graphs. As per the speaker 65% – 75% are suffering from mental disorders and almost 2/3rd of them are suffering from substantial mental disorder. Speaker questions about free will and determination. Speaker presented his views on the developmental perspectives where children age when related to crimes would make a variation and also effect in discontinuity and co-mobility. Speaker emphasised that education, poverty are major reasons for the juvenile delinquency and minor disorders which are biological in nature which would include genetic disfuctions and  frontal brain disorders.

14:46 Hours: Speaker got back to the factor of juvenile delinquency where he firmly disagrees that poverty would not be the only and main factor which would be responsible. Speaker stated about delinquent sub-culture theory (children who can’t fit into the society) he further approached his point where the utopia which can’t be reached.

14:52 Hours: Speaker also highlighted the importance of the parents attention towards children. He has presented about the psychological traits of child delinquent. As per the speaker immature brain could not be able to differentiate between right and wrong. Speaker further connects the psychology of child and an adolescent with the acts that established, he further confronts how much the laws implemented are reasonable.

Third Session

14:58 Hours: The chair for third session is RajKumari Reddy, Santhosh Kumar.

15:02 Hours: Roshini emphasised on Mental health laws and rights of persons with mental illness. Speaker stated about the treatment of mentally ill patients acts that are implemented in India. Speaker also informed the crowd about the measures implemented in order to protect mentally ill people. Rights in accordance with the mental health care Act. Speaker presented the statistics where one among the five kids are lacking the service that are provided.

15:08 Hours: Sohani and Sanketh , has emphasised on topic Indore,sexual offences impact on mental health. Speaker cited the definition which has been taken from UNCC. Speaker stated that child sexual abuse as a major problem. Speaker suggested by saying creation of forum would be helpful as per the speaker. Speaker expressed his opinion on implementing stringent laws. Speaker also suggested the ban of pornography. Speaker encouraged that the explicit expression of their victim stories would actually help for their betterment rather than taking as a shame.

15:15 Hours: D. Santhoshi, has stated regarding the emerging trends of mental health. Speaker started by saying about the misconceptions of mental illness, in rural areas where mental illness is mistook to be a demon performance, speaker further adds up that awareness about the mental disorders would remove the stigmas that are surrounding the mental health. Speaker presented the statistics of depression as per the WHO statistical report. Speaker concluded that spreading awareness would solve the issues related to the mental health. Speaker concluded that spreading awareness would solve the issues related to the mental health.

15:29 Hours: Raj Kumari Reddy, has quick wittedly grabbed attention of people attending the seminar with a small psychological trick, which was quickly made into good interactive session. Speaker differentiated the symptoms of mental disorder like pervasiveness, anxiety disorder etc. Speaker emphasised over the level of stress and causes of stress. She further expressed her point by a experiential approach. She has also shared her personal experience of her patient she was suffering from the self harm( she harmed herself and her child). She focused on the result of the after math after curing the mental disorder.

15:45 Hours: M. Santhosh Kumar has presented about mental health and Human right law. Speaker emphasised about the mind and physical aspects. He emphasised on the concept of spirit. Speaker showed light on the need for consulting the psychologist first rather than psychiatrist.

15:55 Hours: Speaker has focused on the topic Human rights by pointing on Right to Work of mentally ill people. Speaker further added up the statistics of present scenario in India.

16:15 Hours: Vara Lakshmi, has presented on topic Socio legal perspectives on mental health. Speaker cited a case of 2009 Suchitha V UOI and questioned the remedial aspects of the act implemented, where she emphasised with the example of the mental health with video games which are addictive.

Valedictory Program

16:54 Hours: Welcome address by Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof, Dr, P. Surya Prakash had emphasised his views on the psychological aspects regarding the mental illness and legal issues connecting the subjects together.

16:59 Hours: Valedictory address by guest of Honour, Dr. Roopesh B.N addressing the gathering suggested that it would be more helpful if the sources are rechecked and most of the mental disorders research must also looked into as during the seminar there are few minor mistakes committed by the presenters.

17:02 Hours: Seminar Report by Prof. Lakshmipathi Raju it was very modest beginning and in the light of the discussion that took place relating to the law and mental health, the acts and provisions must be revised again.

17:06 Hours: Dr. K. Sudha had thanked the delegates and the participants for making the event successful with a vibrant gathering from different parts of India. She also thanked Prof. Surya Prakash for unconditional help given for making the event successful along with ardent help from prof. Lakshmipathi Raju sir, Organising committee, librarians and financial departments.

I would like to thank Zoom In Inc for providing us with such wonderful pictures at right time.

National seminar on Law and Mental Health has been concluded i would like to thank the coordinators of event for providing such wonderful opportunity of updating it. Thank you all for sparing your time in making this event successful.

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