View the Webinar Series Recordings
Unable to join us during our live webinars? View the recordings at your own pace at anytime using the links below.
    • Using Browse For Research: Watch Now
      In our first webinar, learn specific strategies to make the most of your Web Edition subscription. Learn how to extract useful data from our database by using the Browse methods of document retrieval.


    • Advanced Search & Search Results Screen: Watch Now
      Learn how to get the best results from the database using the regular keyword search. Learn how to use Boolean operators and get comfortable with the search results screen. Learn about all the things that can be done with documents once you have found what you are looking for.


    • MySCCOnline Folders & Case Compilation: Watch Now
      Learn how to continue your research over sessions by saving your findings to SCC Online folders. Create folders by topic, matter or client and organise your research as you would like to. Save paper and clutter by not having to print out all your research or bookmark links individually.
      Case compilation lets you organize your research and convert it into one consolidated document. This document contains an automatically generated index and allows you to make your own notes directly on the SCC Online platform and download a PDF of your completed compilation.


    • Alternate Search Methods : Part 1 Watch Now
      Learn about the other methods of searching the database except the powerful keyword search! Get a look at using Find by Citation and Find by Party Name.


    • Alternate Search Methods : Part 2 Watch Now
      In the second part of the Alternate Search Methods, cover the use of other search methods such as Find Case Law by Section, Find by Topic and Words and Phrases.


    • Researching on the Move: SCC Online on iPad Watch Now
      In this webinar, join our trainers as we walk through the SCC Online app for iOS and how you can use it to research while on the move. Learn about all the methods of research, folders for continuing research across platforms as well as push notifications to stay up-to-date on the latest in the legal industry.


    • SCC Online Blog : Legal News and Updates for All Watch Now
      In this online seminar, learn about the SCC Online Blog and how to receive updates regarding the legal fraternity, legal news, legal articles and much more. Also, learn about the apps and how you can receive notifications for new content posted on the blog. These features are available to everyone and not just restricted to subscribers.


One comment

  • Please send link of tomorrow programme on Commercial Court

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