The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India releases recommendations of “Regulatory Framework for Over-the-top (OTT) Communication Services”.

Following are the salient features:

  • Market forces may be allowed to respond to the situation without prescribing any regulatory intervention. However, developments shall be monitored and intervention, as felt necessary, shall be done at an appropriate time.
  • No regulatory interventions are required in respect of issues related with Privacy and security of OTT services at the moment.
  • It is not an opportune moment to recommend a comprehensive regulatory framework for various aspects of services referred to as OTT services, beyond the extant laws and regulations prescribed presently. It may be looked into afresh when more clarity emerges in international jurisdictions particularly the study undertaken by ITU.

To read the detailed recommendations, please follow the link here: RECOMMENDATIONS

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

[Press Release dt. 14-09-2020]

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