About the University

The National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA) have been established by the Government of Assam by way of enactment of the National Law School and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Assam Act No. XXV of 2009).

The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court is the Chancellor of the UniversityNLUJAA promotes and makes available modern legal education and research facilities to students and scholars are drawn from across the country, including the North East, coming from different socio-economic, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds.

About the Organizer

The Centre for Disability Studies & Health Laws (CDSHL), National Law University Assam is the one such platform which aims at bringing the people from academia, research, government departments, non-governmental organizations, along with the other stakeholders.

The Centre for Disability Studies & Health Laws (CDSHL), is only of its kind functioning in the North-East Region. This centre will serve as the role model for taking dialogue into reality. While bridging this gap, the centre will try to set a standard for the right to ‘act’ in terms of the modern-day disability jurisprudence. The idea is also highlighted under the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and further tried to be archived by resenting Disability Laws of the country.

About the Blog

The Centre for Disability Studies and Health Laws’ Blog is the Student Editorial Board’s blog where students, legal professionals, and practitioners send and publish articles on various contemporary legal issues on a rolling basis.


The Editorial Board invites submissions for the Blog on the theme: “Disability and Health Laws” (They may be of contemporary importance on any subject of law or the social sciences).


Guidelines for Contributions

  • All submissions shall be made to cds[at]nluassam.ac.in with the subject “Submission for CDSHL Blog”.
  • Submissions should ideally be between 900-1500 words in length.
  • By submitting an article, the author undertakes that the article is an original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism will result in summary rejection of the submission (includes self-plagiarism).
  • The content should be written in Times New Roman Font with a size of 12. Line Spacing should be 1.5.
  • The article should contain endnotes or hyperlinksand NOT footnotes. All endnotes must be in Times New Roman font, with size 10 and line spacing. Citations are to be given only when necessary.
  • Submissions must be made in .doc/.docx formats only.
  • Authors must include their full name, institution/organization, course, year of study and specialisation/honours in the body of the mail.

Contact Details

Email ID: cds[at]nluassam.ac.in   – Contact of the student in charge- Anshuman Pandey: +91 8960603731

Centre’s website: HERE 

Blog’s Address: HERE 


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