Following its successful editions from 2015 onwards, the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR), the Centre for Health Law and Policy (CHLP), and the Centre for Human Rights (CHR) under the aegis of the National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi is holding its annual international event in 2021 with the central theme as the impact of pandemics on the domains of health, human rights and intellectual property as well as the numerous concerns raised in these interrelated fields. The Centres had previously collaborated in conducting four international programmes. The first edition was based on Access to Medicine and Novel Medical Technologies while the second was focused on Traditional Knowledge. The third event was on Access to Information and Communication Technologies and the fourth on Biomedical Technologies.

On the 24th to 26th February of 2021, we are organizing the event titled Pandemics: Health, Human Rights and Intellectual Property Perspectives (brochure attached) and invite paper presentations. Authors are invited to participate in the same. Selected papers shall be included in a book being contemplated on the same theme.

The COVID-19 pandemic has once again placed public health in the spotlight. Governments across the globe are implementing mechanisms to curb the spread of the virus. Battling a novel virus has also put immense pressure on scientists and researchers to find a vaccine as well as raised concerns on resource-allocation as well as disease management. International institutions such the United Nations, WHO, WIPO as well as other supra-national entities are stressing on interdisciplinary synergies and collaborations in these difficult times to solve these numerous issues of global concern and relevance.

Thus, with multiple institutions engaged in tackling the pandemic, the analysis of three spheres of law has become an integral part of the process – Health, Human Rights and Intellectual Property Rights. This event is an effort to provide a platform for discussions and deliberations that are to bring new insights and understanding towards the various dimensions involved in the matter of pandemics, their impact on public health, the responses and duties of States, people and other stakeholders, an evaluation of the healthcare sector frameworks, mechanisms of clinical trials and their limitations, the scope of intellectual property rights in such context as well as to throw light on the changes that are to be brought, in light of our shared experiences.

Papers are sought on any sub-theme relating to the main topic or any of its aspects such as:

  • The Role of State in protection of Public health
  • The duties of the citizenry during situations of public health crises
  • Addressing the Vulnerability of Migrant Workers during a Pandemic
  • Xenophobic Repurcussions of a Pandemic
  • Incentivization and Open Access – Distribution of Knowledge and Innovation during a Pandemic
  • Increased synergies of collaboration: future possibilities and implications
  • Role of State and duties in the domain of distribution and utilization of resources: scope of intervention to private property interests
  • Drug Repurposing and Other mechanisms
  • Licensing Agreements during a Pandemic
  • Incentivization and Open Access – Distribution of Knowledge and Innovation during a Pandemic
  • Increased synergies of collaboration: future possibilities and implications
  • Global landscape: lessons and experiences

Interdisciplinary themes such as The Impact of Pandemics in the spheres of Public Health Policies, Human Rights and Intellectual Property Law – Analysing in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic can also be explored.


  • Submissions are to be made in electronic form only and are to be sent to ciprpublications@nuals.ac.in[Subject is to be “Submission for ISSHI Publication”]
  • The paper should be in English, not exceeding 3000-5000 words (excluding footnotes).
  • The paper should be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 350 words. Please limit keywords to 4. This shall not count towards the word limit.
  • Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors.
  • The cover page should include Name, Address, E-mail ID, Contact number and the name of the College/University/Firm along with the address of the author/s. In case of co- authorship, the cover page should include details of both the authors. A brief profile of the author/s not exceeding 250 words should be attached with the abstract.
  • Kindly avoid the general and common information about the sub theme of your paper as far as possible as doing so may result in duplication of information in the chapters coming under a single sub-theme.
  • No part of the submission should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere.
  • All contributions must represent original ideas and interpretations coupled with critical evaluation and assessment.
  • Any form of plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Any queries regarding the book shall be addressed to ciprpublications@nuals.ac.in 


  • The submission must follow the Bluebook system of citation 20th edition.
  • The submission is to be made in Times New Roman, Font Size: For Title – 16; For Headings – 14; Main Text – 12, Line spacing: 1.5, Footnote size: 10
  • Alignment shall be Justified. One inch margin to be maintained on all sides.
  • Submissions may be made in .doc/.docx/.odt formats only.
  • Use of headings and subheadings in consistent format is encouraged.


Submission of Abstract – 20th December 2020

Acceptance of abstract – 30th December 2020

Submission of Full paper- 15th January 2021

Acceptance of paper – 30th January 2021

In case of any queries, kindly email us at hhi@nuals.ac.in

Click here for more details.


ISSHI 2021

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