The NUJS Centre for Sports Law and Policy takes immense pride in sharing with you all the 2nd edition of NUJS – CSLP Newsletter (July-December ’20). In the past year we witnessed unprecedented crisis in every walk of our lives and sports too were impacted significantly. The News snippets presented in this document try to give a glimpse into the world of sports during times – full of upheavals.

The Newsletter can be accessed here.

About the NUJS – CSLP

The NUJS – Centre for Sports Law and Policy (CSLP) was established in 2019 under the guidance of Our Vice-Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) N.K. Chakraborty and Professor (Dr.) Lovely Dasgupta with the objective of fostering a culture of innovation, legal scholarship, and policy-making in the domain of Sports Law and its many interactions with the subjects. The Centre aims to fill the void in the area of Sports Law and Policy at the national and international level by working on contemporary sports issues. This Centre will harness the potential of NUJS to contribute to the research and thought leadership of Sports Law.

This discourse on law and policy will go a long way in bringing change in society, one step at a time. We hope that the posts published on our blog will continue to uphold the objectives of the Centre and further encourage research in the field of Sports Law and Policy making.

You can visit us on our Website.  The Centre is also active on Facebook.  For any other queries you may write to us at

About The Newsletter

The year 2020 has been eventful as well as unique. For the year 2020 belongs to that rare category of time zones that has tested humans. These testing times had its impact on sports and that too significant. The News snippets presented in this document tries to give a glimpse into the world of sports afflicted by Covid-19. This picture is not all about gloom and doom. It also reflects the ability of sports to fight back and emerge unscathed and the attempt of NUJS-CSLP is precisely to spotlight sports in all its glory. The glorification is though tempered by a significant amount of research.

The present document is the outcome of the research put in by the contributors. This research attempts to present a holistic picture of sports during Covid-19. The document is aimed at being both informative as well as presenting the challenges faced by all involved in sporting activities. Hope this document prepared by NUJS-CSLP achieves its purpose.

THE NUJS-CSLP NEWSLETTER (July – December ‘20)

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