Reserve Bank of India

On June 25, 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued the RBI (Call, notice, and term money markets) Directions, 2021.

On a review based on representations received, the prudential borrowing limits for transactions in Call, Notice and Term Money Markets have been revised. Accordingly, in Part 4 (b) of the Master Directions, Table 1 is being revised as under:

Table 1: Prudential limits for outstanding borrowing transactions in Call, Notice and Term Money Markets
Sr. No. Participant Category Prudential Limit
1 Scheduled Commercial Banks (including Small Finance Banks) Call and Notice Money:

(i) 100% of capital funds, on a daily average basis in a reporting fortnight, and

(ii) 125% of capital funds on any given day.

Term Money:

(i) Internal board approved limit within the prudential limits for inter-bank liabilities.

2 Payment Banks and Regional Rural Banks Call, Notice and Term Money:

(i) 100% of capital funds, on a daily average basis in a reporting fortnight, and

(ii) 125% of capital funds on any given day.

3 Co-operative Banks Call, Notice and Term Money:

(i) 2.0% of aggregate deposits as at the end of the previous financial year.

4 Primary Dealers Call and Notice Money:

(i) 225% of Net Owned Fund (NOF) as at the end of the previous financial year on a daily average basis in a reporting fortnight.

Term Money:

(i) 225% of Net Owned Fund (NOF) as at the end of the previous financial year.

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