On August 11, 2021, the Rajya Sabha passed the National Commission for Homoeopathy (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Amendment) Bill, 2021.The two bills were cleared by the Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

The National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (Amendment) Bill, 2021, seeks to save the actions done, decisions made, liability incurred by the Board of Governors constituted as per the provisions of the Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 till the constitution of National Commission under National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020.

The National Commission for Homoeopathy (Amendment) Bill, 2021 seeks to save the actions done, decisions made, liability incurred by the Board of Governors constituted as per the provisions of the Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 till the constitution of National Commission under National Commission for Homoeopathy Act, 2020.

The two bills will now be sent to the President for his assent.

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