LSAC Global’s very first law student initiative, the Justice League Program will successfully complete its first term on 30th November 2021. The program was announced in February 2021 with an aim to build a community of law students that learns, grows, and leads together. We saw active participation from forty passionate students pursuing law from LSAC Global Law Alliance Schools. During the program, the students exhibited excellent leadership skills and voiced their opinions on critical matters concerning law student community in India.

As ambassadors, they mentored law aspirants from Indian high schools, wrote and recorded their views on unconventional topics via articles, videos, and podcasts. They got an opportunity to engage with LSAC senior leadership and reputed stakeholders in the Indian legal sector. Importantly, they also participated in events featuring representatives from North American law schools. To appreciate their contributions, we awarded deserving students a Certificate of Recognition.  

Furthermore, this year LSAC Global announced ‘Young Leader Award’ and ‘Best Ambassador Award’ for two deserving ambassadors celebrating their consistent growth and efforts throughout the program. This year’s award recipients are Aneesh Khare, MIT World Peace University and Jaanvi Singh, Bennett University, respectively.

With the success of the program, we are set to announce the second term which would commence from January 2022 and end in July 2022. This year, the program is open for law students not only from LSAC Global Law Alliance Schools but from various renowned law schools across India.  


The registrations for the Justice League Program 2022 are now open. The Justice League is a premier law student community in India. It is specially crafted for those motivated law students who aspire to become a leader and have potential to voice their opinions on critical matters concerning the Indian legal fraternity.

The ambassadors shall represent their law schools and the law student community in India.

Brochure link: HERE

Registration link: HERE

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