The Central Government notifies Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2022 for purchase and consumption of green energy including the energy from Waste-to-Energy plants. This rules shall be applicable for generation, purchase and consumption of green energy including the energy from Waste-to-Energy plant.


Key points:

  • There must be a uniform renewable purchase obligation on all obligated entities in area of a distribution licensee.
  • Any entity, whether obligated or not may elect to generate, purchase and consume renewable energy as per their requirements by one or more of the following methods:
    1. Own Generation from renewable energy sources;
    2. By procuring Renewable Energy through Open Access from any Developer either directly or through a trading licensee or through power markets;
    3. By requisition from distribution licensee;
    4. By consuming green energy from captive power plant;
    5. By purchasing of renewable energy certificates;
    6. Purchase of green hydrogen or green ammonia.
  • To provide Green Energy Open Access to consumers of green energy.
  • A Central Nodal Agency shall be notified by the Central Government to set up and operate a single window green energy open access system for renewable energy.
  • The Central Nodal Agency shall prepare, within a period of sixty days of commencement of these rules, a common application format for the Green Energy Open Access in consultation with the Forum of Regulators and applications for the Green Energy Open Access shall be made in this format.
  • Banking shall be permitted at least on a monthly basis on payment of charges to compensate additional costs, if any, to the distribution licensee by the Banking and the Appropriate Commission shall fix the applicable charges.
  • The charges to be levied on Green Energy Open Access consumers shall be as follows:-
    (a) Transmission charges;

    (b) Wheeling charges;

    (c) Cross subsidy Surcharge;

    (d) Standby charges wherever applicable; and

    (e) No other charges except the charges above, shall be levied.
  • The distribution licensee shall give green certificate on yearly basis to the consumers for the green energy supplied by the licensee to consumer on his request beyond the renewable purchase obligation of the consumers.

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