On 12-8-2022 the Ministry of Law and Justice notified the Family Courts (Amendment) Act, 2022 to further amend the Family Courts Act, 1984.

Key Amendments:

In Section 1 sub clause (3) a proviso has been inserted namely which provides that it shall be deemed to have come into force in the State of Himachal Pradesh with effect from the 15-2-2019 and in the State of Nagaland with effect from 12-9-2008.

  • Insertion of Section 3 A which specifies establishment of Family Court in Himachal Pradesh with effect from 15-2-2019 and Nagaland with effect from 12-9-2008. The establishment of Family Courts in both the states will be retrospectively valid from these dates.

All actions taken under the Act in both the states, including the appointment of judges, orders and judgments passed by the Family Courts, will also be deemed to be valid from these dates retrospectively.

*Disha Srivastava, Publication Assistant has reported this brief.

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