The Central Government has notified the re-designation of Assistant Solicitor General of India as Deputy Solicitor General of India for future references.

The notification clarifies that the re-designation from ‘Assistant Solicitor General of India’, the Senior Central Standing Counsel in High Courts, to ‘Deputy Solicitor General of lndia’, has been done to remove confusion and doubt between Additional Solicitor General of lndia and Assistant Solicitor General of lndia, as both of them use same abbreviation ‘ASG’. They will continue to be governed by the existing terms & conditions as per the Department’s OM No. 26( 1 )/99-Judl. dated 24.09.1 999,”

The notification further clarified that the abbreviation for the new designation of Deputy Solicitor General of India would be “DSGI” and that it should be strictly followed.


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