Centre for Law and Agriculture, National University of Advanced Legal Studies(NUALS), Kochi is seeking contributions by way of call of papers for a proposed Research Book on the theme;


Original unpublished Research Articles are invited from Academicians/Legal practitioners/ Research Scholars and law students on the broad theme “Agriculture, Environment and The Law“.

The articles will undergo strict review and authors of selected articles will be intimated. Chosen articles will be published in ISBN numbered Research Book. Registration fee needs to be paid only after communication of acceptance of the article for publication.



1. Inter relationship between Agriculture, Environment and Law

Impact of agriculture on environment- Agricultural Pollution- Agricultural Waste Management- Agriculture and Climate Adaptation/ Mitigation- UN’s Sustainable Development Goal in the context of agriculture and environmental protection.

2. Laws relating to Agriculture

Constitutional framework- development of crops, food production and social justice- Laws relating to Food and Agriculture – Food Corporations Act, 1964Seeds Act, 1966 – Seeds Control Order, 1983 – Essential Commodities Act, 1995 -laws relating to grading, marketing and distribution of agricultural produce – Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937 – Fertilizer Control Order 1985 – Insecticide Act, 1968Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 1984

3. Role of IPR in agriculture

IPR and Agriculture- Patent Protection in Agricultural aspects- Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001 – Breeder’s Rights- Farmer’s Rights- protection of Hybrid plant varieties and GM crops- Geographical Indications (GI) in Agricultural Products- Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous People -Bio piracy.

4. Strategies on Distribution of Agricultural Products

Law and policy- Agricultural Loans and Funding- Subsidies and Financial Aid- Distribution Channel Strategies-Supply Chain Management- Food Marketing Strategies- Public Distribution Systems- Export and Import- Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture.

5. Contemporary Issues in Agriculture

Use of Technology and Automation in Agriculture and its impact on labour force – Transformation of Indian Agriculture; Growth, Inclusiveness and Sustainability- Food Security, Nutrition and Millennium Development Goals- Agriculture and Social Justice (Landless Labourers, Small and Marginal Farmers, Women, Migrant Workers, MNREGA)- Law and policy- Farmer’s Bill- Innovative methods in farming- Smart farming, Diversified Farming System (DFS), Agro-Biotechnology.

The above themes are only illustrative in nature. Any relevant topic in relation to the Broad theme can be submitted.

The manuscript in Word format (.doc or .docx) as a mail attachment. PDF/other formats/hard copy submissions will not be accepted.

The body of the email must mention:

  • Name of the author(s)

  • Contact number

  • Academic year of the course pursued (if applicable)

  • Qualifications (if applicable)

  • Institutional affiliation

Title of the paper

A self- declaration to the following effect:

“I/we declare that the manuscript is an original and previously unpublished work written by me/us. I/we agree to tackle any dispute relating to my/our manuscript including copyright, defamation or contempt and agree to suffer the loss, if any, caused by violating copyright or any other rights.”

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