ILS Centre for Arbitration & Mediation, Pune

Online Civil/Commercial Mediation Training Programme

Reported by: Khushi Agarwal [EBC-SCC Online Student Ambassador 2022-23]

The Indian Law Society's Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA) is a first-of-its-kind ADR institution in India attached to the ILS Law College, Pune. ILSCA was established in the year 2016 with the sole objective of providing facilities for conducting arbitration and mediation, both ad hoc as well as institutional.

ILSCA also conducts various training programmes and courses in the field of ADR for students and professionals from all disciplines, to train them in the skills of ADR.

ILSCA is now inviting applications for its online Civil/Commercial Mediation Training Programme which is being conducted from 25 November 2022 to 03 December 2022 in association with ADR ODR International, UK.

The programme is recognised by the UK Civil Mediation Council (CMC) and Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) and is certified by International Mediation Institute (IMI).

Dates of the Course:

25 November 2022 – 03 December 2022

Timing of the Course:

4 PM to 8 PM (Everyday)

9 AM to 5 PM on Assessment Day (03 December 2022)

Course Highlights:

  • To help participants understand the basics of mediation process and establish a standard body of skills and knowledge to qualify as efficient mediators.

  • Online only training.

  • Internationally recognised and highly acclaimed training programme.

  • Certification and empanelment upon successful completion

Registration Fee:

INR 30,000 + GST (Students)

INR 40,000 + GST (Professionals)

Register at:

Registration Link


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