Case BriefsForeign Courts

High Court of Australia: Kiefel, CJ. and Bell, Gageler, Keane, Nettle, Gordon and Edelman, JJ., allowed an appeal that sought ascertainment that

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Pakistan: A Full Bench of Asif Saeed Khan Khosa, CJ and Sajjad Ali Shah and Syed Mansoor Ali Shah,

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Pakistan Supreme Court: A Full Bench of Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah and Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed, JJ. allowed the

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Kenya of High Court, Nairobi: A Full Bench of Roselyne Aburili, E.C. Mwita and John M. Mativo, JJ. dismissed a petition regarding

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Malaysia Court of Appeal: A Full Bench of Mohtarudin Baki, Ahmadi Haji Asnawi, Abdul Rahman Sebli, JCA dismissed an appeal made against

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Pakistan: A Division Bench of Asif Saeed Khan Khosa, C.J. and Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, J. in the current

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: An Application for leave to appeal under and in terms of Article

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Pakistan Supreme Court: A Full Bench of Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed, JJ. allowed a criminal

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: A 9-judge Bench of Wagner, CJ and Abella, Moldaver, Karakatsanis, Gascon, Côté, Brown, Rowe and Martin, JJ. heard

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

South Africa High Court, Free State Division, Bloemfontein: V.M. Morobane, AJ. referred the application to trial as the facts were not capable

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Pakistan: A Full Bench of Manzoor Ahmad Malik, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah and Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed, JJ. set

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

High Court of Justice Queen’s Bench Division Media and Communications List: Warby, J. dismissed a claim for initiating action for libel against

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Court of Appeal of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: M.M.A. Gaffoor, J. allowed a land owner’s application seeking mandamus for

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Court of Appeal of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Mahinda Samayawardhena, J. contemplated an application which was contended to be

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Court of Appeal of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Mahinda Samayawardhena, J. entertained a writ petition where the petitioner sought,

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Federal Court of Australia: Collier, J. allowed an appeal against the decision of the Federal Circuit Court in which the primary Judge

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

South Africa High Court, Free State Division, Bloemfontein: A Division Bench of Mathebula and Chesiwe, JJ. dismissed the present appeal against convictions

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

“Criminalising consensual same sex in private, between adults is not in the public interest. Such criminalization….disproportionally impacts on the lives and dignity

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Pakistan Supreme Court:  A Full Bench of Asif Saeed Khan Khosa, CJ, Mushir Alam and Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, JJ. extended benefit

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

“Habeas corpus is a fundamental and historic remedy which allows individuals to seek a determination as to the legality of their detention…….

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