Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa: Deciding an appeal wherein the issue concerned the proper interpretation of s 26(2) of the Companies

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court  of Pakistan: While discussing the issue of achieving city wide uniformity in installation of billboards and hoardings in the city

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: While deciding a matter the Court has upheld the immunity status and independence of international organizations by rejecting

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: While deciding on two appeals the Court has struck down two so-called tough-on-crime measures introduced by the former

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of the United Kingdom: Deciding on an appeal as to whether courts of England or Hungary should have jurisdiction to determine

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Supreme Court of The United States
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of United States: In an interesting case wherein the issue was as to whether the pretrial restraint of a criminal defendant’s

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa: Deciding on an appeal which concerns infringement of a patent entitled ‘Anti-parasitic composition for the treatment

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: The Court for the first time has offered a new meaning to the legal definition of what constitutes

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA): In a matter arising out of the indictment of the incumbent President of Sudan – Omar Hassan

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa– Deciding on an important issue as to the legitimacy of steps taken by the Judicial

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA): In an interesting constitutional matter, a five-judge Bench comprising Lewis, Ponnan (JJA), Seriti (JJA), Fourie (AJJA) and

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of United Kingdom– Deciding on an important issue concerning the mental element of intent which must be proved when a

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

By Vidya Sagar

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

High Court   of Australia: Rejecting the challenge to the constitutionality of the offshore processing system, the High Court in a landmark judgment

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of United Kingdom– Deciding on an important issue with regard to the point at which habitual residence of the child

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of South Africa: While deciding upon the constitutionality of Section 7(1) (a) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 insofar as

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: While deliberating upon the question that whether the Court should grant six-month extension to the suspension on the

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Supreme Court of The United States
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of United States- Holding the Florida’s capital sentencing scheme as unconstitutional, the Court with the ratio of 8:1 held that

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Canada SC
Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of Canada: While deliberating upon the question that whether horse racing can be considered a ‘game’ as defined under Section

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Case BriefsForeign Courts

Supreme Court of United Kingdom– Allowing the appeal by the Competition and Markets Authority wherein the issue was whether Groupe Eurotunnel SE

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