Ukraine War Crimes
Case BriefsInternational Courts

In a significant move, the International Criminal Court in a press release informed the world at large that it is issuing arrest warrants against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights, Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova in connection to commission of war crimes during Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022

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European Court of Human Rights
Case BriefsInternational Courts

“The General Court reiterated that a legislative ban on “promotion of homosexuality or non-traditional sexual relations” among minors does not serve to advance the legitimate aims of protection of morals, health or the rights of others and that by adopting such laws, the authorities reinforce stigma and prejudice and encourage homophobia, which is incompatible with the notions of equality, pluralism, and tolerance inherent in a democratic society.”

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European Court of Justice (ECJ)
Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice: In a landmark ruling the Bench comprising A. Prechal (President), M.L. Arastey Sahún (Rapporteur), F. Biltgen, N. Wahl

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

    Court of Justice of the European Union (Second Chamber): In the instant dispute before the CJEU wherein the applicant's internship

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

    European Court of Justice (ECJ): In a far-reaching decision, the Bench of C. Lycourgos (Rapporteur), President of the Chamber, S.

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

OHCHR (WGAD): While addressing the issue of alleged arbitrary detention of Ms. Marie-Emmanuelle Verhoeven in Tihar Jail, New Delhi, from the period

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Hot Off The PressInternational CourtsNews

As per the press release of the International Court of Justice, Ukraine filed an Application instituting proceedings against the Russian Federation before

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice: The Bench composed of K. Lenaerts, President, L. Bay Larsen, Vice-President, A. Arabadjiev, K. Jürimäe, C. Lycourgos, E.

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice: The Bench comprising of E. Regan, President of the Chamber, C. Lycourgos, President of the Fourth Chamber, and

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice: The Bench comprising of J. Passer (Rapporteur), President, F. Biltgen and N. Wahl, JJ., held that the German

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice: The Bench of N. Wahl (Rapporteur), F. Biltgen (President) and J. Passer, JJ., held that Telekom’s Zero Tariff

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice: In a landmark ruling the Grand Chamber comprising of composed of K. Lenaerts, President, R. Silva de Lapuerta,

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): Chamber composed of Yonko Grozev, President, Tim Eicke, Faris Vehabović, Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Armen Harutyunyan, Pere

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice (ECJ): In a landmark Copyright case, the Grand Chamber composed of K. Lenaerts, President, R. Silva de Lapuerta,

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice (ECJ): The Second Chamber composed of A. Arabadjiev, President of the Chamber, A. Kumin, T. von Danwitz (Rapporteur),

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice (ECJ): In a long-fought battle against Facebook the Belgian Data Protection Authority had secured a major win.  The

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

General Court (Second Chamber): The Bench comprising of V. Tomljenović, President, F. Schalin and I. Nõmm (Rapporteur), JJ., settles the design right

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR): In an interesting case regarding child trafficking the Fourth Section of ECHR had came up with a

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

Caribbean Court of Justice: A Full Bench of Justice Saunders, Wit, Anderson, Rajnauth-Lee, Barrow and Jamadar dismissed the appeal being devoid of

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Case BriefsInternational Courts

European Court of Justice (ECJ): The Court of Justice comprising of E. Regan (Rapporteur), K. Lenaerts, President, M. Ilešič, C. Lycourgos and

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