Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Associations, Societies and Clubs — Body discharging public functions but not amounting to “State” — BCCI: Due to obstructionist and defiant attitude

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Associations, Societies and Clubs — Body discharging public functions but not amounting to “State” — BCCI: Root and branch reform of BCCI

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Art. 32 — Scope of interference under — Ex debito justitiae jurisdiction: Principle of ex debito justitiae is

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Art. 226 — Writ appeal — Tax matters: Jurisdiction of Division Bench in a writ appeal is primarily

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Service Law — Retirement/Superannuation — Voluntary retirement — Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS): Where VRS floated by employer is contractual in nature and

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Art. 137 — Review: Reagitation of decided issue, not permissible. [T.N. Terminated Full Time Temporary LIC Employees Assn.

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 1999 — Regn. 45-B: Regn. 45-B is not ultra vires the provisions contained

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — Ss. 7, 8, & 16 — Arbitrability of dispute: Exclusion of jurisdiction of civil court in

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration Act, 1940 — Ss. 28, 30, 33, 3 and Sch. I, Cl. 3: It is mandatory to complete arbitration proceedings within

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Art. 14 — PIL: U.P. Ex-Chief Ministers Residence Allotment Rules, 1997 which permitted ex-CMs to continue occupation of

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — Ss. 11(5) and 11(12) and 16 — Appointment of arbitrator: Claims sought to be referred to

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Arts. 174, 85 and 163 — Summoning, proroguing or dissolving of State Legislature under Art. 174: If Chief

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Arts. 136 and 145(3): Reference to Constitution Bench to restrict scope of Art. 136, dismissed. Even if a

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — S. 11(6) — Appointment of arbitrator: In absence of counter as to referability of dispute to

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Art. 32 — Droughts — 2015-2016 Drought in India: As one-third population   of the country, that is, about

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Motor Vehicles — Road accidents, deaths and injuries — Laws governing road safety: Binding directions of Supreme Court in exercise of power

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Penal Code, 1860 — Ss. 53, 54, 55-A and 45 — Validity of non-remittable special category sentence in substitution of death sentence:

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Administrative Law — Promissory Estoppel — Applicability — Nature and Scope — Invocation of the Doctrine: It is not the law that

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Central Excise Act, 1944 — Ss. 11-B and 11-BB — Circular dated 30-5-1995, cl. (g) — Refund — Liability of the Revenue

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SCC Weekly

ICLR’S 150th  Anniversary: Talk delivered on the occasion to commemorate the 150th anniversary of ICLR at Lincoln’s Inn, London, UK on 6-10-2015.

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