Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996 — S. 3 — Cess on construction works: Cess on construction works could

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Central Excise Act, 1944 — S. 4(4)(d)(i) — Cost of packaging: The appellant had charged for the value of the gunny bags

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Central Excise Act, 1944 — S. 11-B (as amended in 1991) — Refund: Amended provisions of S. 11-B are not applicable to

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Central Excise Rules, 1944 — Rr. 173-G, 9 and 49 — CENVAT Credit: Payment of duty through CENVAT Credit is as good

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — Or. 37 R. 3 — Summary suit — Leave to Defend: Where the defendant has raised a

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Armed Forces — Disability Pension — Entitlement Rules for Casualty Pensionary Awards, 1982 — R. 12, Notes 1 & 2 r/w Regn.

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Supreme Court — Jurisdiction, Problem of Pendence by Justice J. Chelameswar, (2015) 9 SCC (J-1): In this article, author attempts to identify

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arms Act, 1959 — Ss. 7, 20, 23, 25, 27 and 30 — Applicability of 1959 Act: Recovery of large quantity of

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Cases ReportedSCC Weekly

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 — Ss. 2(2), (1)(f), Pt. I or Pt. II — International commercial arbitration: As arbitration agreement entered

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SCC Weekly

Confidentiality and Transparency in Arbitration: The concepts of confidentiality and transparency in arbitration have been analyzed in this article, with primary focus

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SCC Weekly

Independence of Tribunals in India: The role, functions and independence of Tribunals in India has been discussed in this article. Tribunal System: The

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SCC Weekly

E-Commerce and Counterfeited Goods: The spread of the internet has led to increased counterfeiting and trade mark infringement at online market places.

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SCC Weekly

Information Technology Act, 2000 — Ss. 66-A, 69-A and 79 — Constitutionality: While an informed citizenry is a precondition for meaningful governance,

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SCC Weekly

Shariat Courts: This article aims to address the questions involving constitutional and legal validity of Sharit Courts in India. It undertakes a critical

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SCC Weekly

Case Reported in 2015 SCC Vol. 3 March 7, 2015 Part 1 Constitution of India — Arts. 32, 21, 29, 14, 10, 11 and

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SCC Weekly

Case Reported in 2015 SCC Vol. 3 March 7, 2015 Part 1 None of the grounds contained in S. 34(2)(a) deal with

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SCC Weekly

2015 SCC VOL. 2 FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PART 4 When a higher court has rendered a particular decision, said decision must be followed by

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2015 SCC VOL. 2 FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PART 4 Civil Procedure Code, 1908 — Or. 8 R. 6-A, Or. 2 R. 2

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2015 SCC VOL. 2 FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PART 4 Interference with policy decision on ground that it is ultra vires/arbitrary/invalid, etc., and, issuance of

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SCC Weekly

Constitution of India — Arts. 75(1); & 164(1); and 32 — Appointment of Council of Ministers (Union or State) “Advice” under Arts. 75(1);

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