allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Section 438 was inserted in CrPC as it was seen that the influential persons try to implicate their rivals in false cases for the purpose of disgracing them by detaining them in jail for some time. It is true, such powers are to be exercised in exceptional cases. The prosecution cannot be permitted to be converted into an arena to settle scores.

allahabad high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court noted that last year, the Trial Court convicted Kamlesh Pawan and six others for protesting against the arrest of Akhilesh Yadav and attempting to burn the statue of the then UP Chief Minister, Mayawati.

andhra pradesh high court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Andhra Pradesh High Court referred to Section 361 IPC and stated that taking of a minor out of the keeping of the lawful guardian does not make the father criminally liable for kidnapping since the parties were governed by the Mohammadian Law.

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

It is not that democracy and sovereignty are at crossroads. It is only that democratic rights have to be exercised in a lawful manner, so that order in society, which sovereignty has to uphold at all costs, is not lost.

Bombay High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Bombay High Court observed that the objective of Section 353 IPC is to prevent a public servant from not being obstructed while performing his lawful duties and same cannot be allowed to become a tool in hand, of unscrupulous persons to cover up outright illegality as done in the present case.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Delhi High Court reprimanded the contention of the applicant stating that since the complainant was a lawyer and was, thus, well aware about nuances of writing a complaint and had, therefore, twisted the facts and police had lodged a false complaint against the applicant. It was opined that a person’s profession of being an advocate cannot be held against him.

Suggestion to witness by defense
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court was quick to clarify that if prosecution was unable to prove its case on its own legs, then it won’t be able to derive advantage from the weakness of the defence and the Court would not be able to convict the accused on the strength of the evidence in the form of reply to the suggestions made by the defence counsel to a witness.

Beyond reasonable doubt
Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court doubted the prosecution’s story due to various lacunas existing in it, the manner in which the investigation was conducted and the material inconsistency in the statements of the eyewitnesses.

juvenile offender
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that the degree or dimension of the offence should not be the direct approach of the Court in its inquiry into juvenility of an accused or convict.

Constitutional Courts' power
Case BriefsSupreme Court

To identify whether the case of an accused under S. 302, IPC falls in the category of ‘rarest of the rare’ case, for the purpose of modification of sentence, it is no consideration by itself that the accused is a first-time offender and has no antecedents.

intimidation of kidnapped victim
Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court said that if the sentence carrying a maximum sentence of death and a minimum sentence of life sentence has such low evidentiary threshold, the difference between punishments for kidnapping under 363, 364 and 364-A shall become meaningless.

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

“A protest cannot be allowed to endanger others, damage property, restrict essential services and such a protest cannot receive constitutional protection. The acts of violence and violent speech that instigates violence and endangers rule of law, damage public property and peace are not protected under the Indian Constitution.” opined the Delhi High Court

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court said that the convicts are not in a position to say that they were prejudiced in any manner by common FIR, one charge sheet and same charge for all three convicts and one trial.

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court released Nandi on bail on his furnishing a personal bond with two sureties each in the like amount to the satisfaction of the Court concerned, subject to deposition of fine

Allahabad High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Allahabad High Court said that the purpose is not to persecute the accused, nor is it to let him off because his relations with the complainant has taken a happier turn, as an offence of rape or one under POCSO is an offence against the society.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

In the case at hand, the juvenile had already undergone incarceration of more than 5 years which was against Section 18 of the J.J. Act, 2015. The Supreme Court noted that the intention of the legislature was to give benefit to a person who is declared to be a child on the date of the offence only with respect to its sentence part.

Karnataka High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Karnataka High Court observed that consent of a woman on a promise to marry is always an enigma.

OP. ED.SCC Journal Section Archives

by Maharukh Adenwalla† and Prakriti Shah‡

Delhi High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

The Delhi High Court upheld the order of ASJ to register an FIR under the provision of the Information Technology Act, 2000 against the petitioner, however, clarified that the same does not include the direction to arrest any of the accused or petitioner.

Case BriefsSupreme Court

The Supreme Court stated that in the case of an economic offence which has a severe impact on the society, the Courts should be very slow in exercising the discretion under Section 438 of CrPC.