Madras High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

    Madras High Court: S.M. Subramaniam, J. has directed to ensure that the practice of orderly system stands eradicated in entirety

Case BriefsDistrict Court

 Dwarka Courts, New Delhi: Deepak Wason, Special Judge (NDPS)five applications under Section 439 CrPC for grant of bail. Counsels for the accused

Punjab and Haryana High Court
Case BriefsHigh Courts

Punjab and Haryana High Court: The Bench of Arun Monga, J., expressed disbelief on how an all men SIT could be deployed

Case BriefsDistrict Court

Karkardooma Court: Naveen Gupta, Additional Session Judge, while addressing a bail application filed, denied the same and held that, A peaceful protest is