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Op EdsOP. ED.

by Dormaan Jamshid Dalal†

Law School NewsMoot Court Announcements

ABOUT NUSRL   The National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi has been established by an Act of the State

Advance RulingsCase Briefs

    Authority of Advanced Ruling (Karnataka): The two-member bench of M.P Ravi Prasad and T. Kiran Reddy has ruled that works

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The bench of Sanjay Kishan Kaul and MM Sundresh, JJ has directed the Central Government to have a detailed deliberation

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: In the case where it was argued before the Court that the Industrial Disputes (Rajasthan Amendment) Act, 1958 which received

Case BriefsCOVID 19High Courts

Bombay High Court: A Division Bench of S.S. Shinde and Madhav Jamdar, JJ., held that State Legislature cannot be directed to include “Advocates”

Case BriefsSupreme Court (Constitution Benches)

Supreme Court: The 5-judge bench of Arun Mishra, Indira Banerjee, Vineet Saran, MR Shah and S. Ravindra Bhat, JJ has declared Section

Case BriefsSupreme Court

Supreme Court: The bench of Deepak Gupta and Surya Kant, JJ has held that a State Legislature cannot enact a law providing